New to coaching? You're in the right place. All coaches will receive a lot of support!
Coach Registration |
Coaching Plans |
We are always looking for parents who are willing to help out and we will help by providing training to all new coaches.
Send email to [email protected] for any questions. Adult registration Link: for all adults volunteering with Quincy Youth Soccer. Mass Youth Soccer is a yearly registration and in order to participate you will need to complete your Mass Youth Soccer Adult Registration each year. Please read all information on the Adult Registration Process web page and either the new or returning user help guide as this will walk you through the complete process and we can then print your Mass Youth Soccer required adult credential. If you have never registered online with Mass Youth Soccer, you will use the New User help guide. If you have previously registered with Mass Youth Soccer, use the Returning User help guide. During the online registration process, make sure to choose “Quincy Youth Soccer” as the name of the organization you are participating with. Adult Registration Checklist Helps you keep track of your risk management compliance requirements. Adult Registration - New User Help Guide Detailed instructions on how to complete your Mass Youth Soccer Adult Registration as a new registrant Adult Registration - Returning User Help Guide Detailed instructions on how to complete your Mass Youth Soccer Adult Registration as a returning registrant. How to manage "My Account" Includes the instructions and link needed to log back into your Mass Youth Soccer "My Account" and to find required training links, print your CORI Acknowledgement form and verify Risk Status and Risk Expire date, registration history and update your account information. You will also receive a, “Thank you for registering” email from Mass Youth Soccer; PLEASE read it. To complete your Adult Registration click the following link: U.S. Soccer Connect Adult Registration Portal. |
Mass Youth Soccer provides session plans for all coaches to use which are grouped by player age and training themes. Note that all Mass Youth Soccer Session plans follow the US Soccer Grassroots Play-Practice-Play Methodology.
You can access session plans here. Scroll down and find the age appropriate to your team. If you believe that your players need more or less challenge, feel free to try Practice Plans in an older or younger age group. Coaching AppsMojo - Both in-house and travel coaches have access to the Mojo app for training sessions and planning. In addition, the QYS in-house program uses Mojo for games scheduling and for communications between players and coaches.
Quickclub is utilized by the QYS travel program only as it is the required platform for all towns in the South Shore Soccer League. To Download & Sync Your Team's schedule, please follow these directions: *Note you cannot download your schedule until it has become available on SSSL for the upcoming season.
If you have any problems downloading, please send an email to [email protected], but PLEASE try to do it first on your own. Once this is downloaded, all your games will populate. (This can take up to 10 minutes. If it stalls out, you will need to try it again.) Adding Your Practices: Once the QYS practice schedule becomes available, you can add these to Quickclub in a few easy steps by creating a ‘reoccurring event’.