Age 14+ soccer players can referee to gain experience and make money!
Per game rates start at $15 per game and increase with experience/certification.
For detailed payment information, send a note to: RefereeA[email protected]
In-House Referees - Start with the Genesis referee program
This is a link to sign up for the Genesis referee program:
This a program for 12 & 13 year olds who are interested in refereeing beyond house soccer, or just want to become better at refereeing.
We are looking at bringing a Zoom/in-person training to QYS in the spring.
Want to get paid more and expand the amount of games you can work? Get Certified!
Official Rules from International Football Association Board
This is a great resource for the laws of the game of soccer and useful resource for the certification test (which is untimed and "open book")
There is also a mobile app for your phone if you look up "IFAB" in your app store.
Per game rates start at $15 per game and increase with experience/certification.
For detailed payment information, send a note to: RefereeA[email protected]
In-House Referees - Start with the Genesis referee program
This is a link to sign up for the Genesis referee program:
This a program for 12 & 13 year olds who are interested in refereeing beyond house soccer, or just want to become better at refereeing.
We are looking at bringing a Zoom/in-person training to QYS in the spring.
Want to get paid more and expand the amount of games you can work? Get Certified!
- More info:
- You must be at least 14 to sign up for the program.
- Once you are certified and receive your "badge", you will be eligible to work travel and club games.
- Please note this is extra work including an online test of the laws of the game and multiple online modules.
- The cost to get certified by the state association is 50 dollars a year, and you will be required to purchase a official uniform including shorts, socks and shorts.
- Certification can be reimbursed upon completion of a few games - at the discretion of QYS and Referee Assignor.
Official Rules from International Football Association Board
This is a great resource for the laws of the game of soccer and useful resource for the certification test (which is untimed and "open book")
There is also a mobile app for your phone if you look up "IFAB" in your app store.

QYS Laws of the Game Training Document |